December 24th
Colemanville's Christmas Eve Service with a combined choir at 7 pm
Boehm's Christmas Eve Service at Boehm's Chapel with a combined choir at 10 pm
January 1st – 12 pm All you can eat Pork and Sauerkraut Meal. The meal is free, donations will be accepted. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex or call the church office
(717)872-7951 for reservations. No Take-Outs
You MUST reserve meals by the deadline date by calling
Linda (717)305-0215 or the office (717)872-7951
Take Outs (Shut-ins Only) - 4:30-5:00 p.m.
Dine in 5:15 – 6:15 p.m.
January 8th –TBA Deadline –January4th
Join us for activities at 6:15 if you wish.
January 17th - Apple Dumpling Bake
Snow date is January 24th
The price is $4 each
Please call the church office to place your orders by January 10th
Pick-up times are Friday, January 17th from 2 – 5 pm
or Saturday, January 18th from 8 am – noon.
January 26th 11:30 am - 2:30 pm- There will be a light lunch served from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Hope you can come out for some good food, games, and fellowship!
January 28th – February 11th – Souper Bowl for the Conestoga Food Bank Mission Project: Please donate cans of soup, fruit, or vegetables (No Green Beans). You are encouraged to “wrap” each can with paper money, attached with a rubber band. The collection box will be in the Narthex from January 28th until Super Bowl Sunday, February 11th.
Subs Available are:
American, Turkey, or Ham
Price per sub is $9.00
Orders Due: Pick-up Date:
February 21st March 4th
May 8th May 20th
September 4th September 16th
October 23rd November 4th
To place your order, please call or text
Doug Rankin at 717-824-0548
(Please note: All previous or standing orders have been discontinued)
What's FOR SALE:
Apple Butter is now available
1/2 Pint $3.00
Pints $5.00
Sugar Free is available in Limited Supply
Apple Dumplings
Mince Meat Pies are back!
Mince Meat Pies: SOLD OUT
Mince Meat by the quart: $11.00
Soups by the quart
*Chicken Corn Soup: SOLD OUT
*Beef Vegetable: SOLD OUT
*Chicken Noodle Soup: SOLD OUT
Colemanville Cookbooks are still available:
2013 Edition is $5.00
They make great gifts!
Order by calling Linda Reburn, 717-305-0215
or the church office at 717-872-7951
Colemanville United Methodist Church
210 Colemanville Church Rd, Conestoga, PA 17516, US
Copyright © 2024 Colemanville United Methodist Church - All Rights Reserved.