January 28th – February 11th – Souper Bowl for the Conestoga Food Bank Mission Project: Please donate cans of soup, fruit, or vegetables (No Green Beans). You are encouraged to “wrap” each can with paper money, attached with a rubber band. The collection box will be in the Narthex from January 28th until Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th.
*No expired items
You MUST reserve meals by the deadline date by calling the office at (717)872-7951
Take Outs (Shut-ins Only) - 4:30-5:00 p.m.
Dine in 5:15 – 6:15 p.m.
February 12th – Baked Manicotti Deadline –February 8th
Join us for activities at 6:15 if you wish.
The office will be closed on Friday, February 14th.
Saturday, February 22, from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. You, your friends, and family members are invited to join us for a fun evening of games (ending with Bingo), fellowship, and light refreshments.
Subs are $9 each - Turkey, Ham, or American
Orders are due by February 26th. The pick-up date is March 10th. To place your order please call or text Doug Rankin at (717)824-0548.
March 5th - Ash Wednesday - more information coming soon.
March 9th - Daylight savings time begins. Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour.
Subs Available are:
American, Turkey, or Ham
Price per sub is $9.00
Orders Due: Pick-up Date:
February 21st March 4th
May 8th May 20th
September 4th September 16th
October 23rd November 4th
To place your order, please call or text
Doug Rankin at 717-824-0548
(Please note: All previous or standing orders have been discontinued)
What's FOR SALE:
Apple Butter is now available
1/2 Pint $3.00
Pints $5.00
Sugar Free is available in Limited Supply
Apple Dumplings
Mince Meat Pies are back!
Mince Meat Pies: SOLD OUT
Mince Meat by the quart: $11.00
Soups by the quart
*Chicken Corn Soup: $8 per quart
*Beef Vegetable: SOLD OUT
*Chicken Noodle Soup: $8 per quart
Colemanville Cookbooks are still available:
2013 Edition is $5.00
They make great gifts!
Order by calling the church office at 717-872-7951
Colemanville United Methodist Church
210 Colemanville Church Rd, Conestoga, PA 17516, US